Area Attractions

Information for Out of Town Guests

The nearest airport is Breakout City International (for those who heard about the closure related to the Gulf Airlines incident, don’t worry, the airport is fully operational again). The airport is twelve miles from the White Towers Hotel in downtown. Taxis, rental cars, and rideshare vans are available at the airport. For those needing other car services, please contact BC Limos. Rooms at the White Towers Hotel are being offered at a discount. Just remember to tell them you’re with the Van Kress wedding when you make reservations.

For those who are going to be in town for a couple of days there, are many places of interest within a short distance of the hotel, including:

The Grand Museum

The Grand Museum

Home to one of the largest art collections in the country. This is a must see for art enthusiasts. The museum is located a quarter of a mile from the hotel making it easy to get to.

The Playhouse

The Playhouse

A charming, intimate theater with seating for less than one hundred. They present a range of plays and performances covering everything from classics to experimental theater. From May 25-June 12, they will be hosting a production of "Sorry, Wrong Number."

Murder, Mayhem, and the Macabre Ghost Tour

If you like the kind of fun that sends a chill up your spine, this tour is for you. The three-hour evening tour shows you some of the most infamous locales in the city. The highlight of the tour is a visit to the abandoned Prentiss Mansion, long-rumored to be cursed. The guides are enthusiastic storytellers, and the tour is entertaining for both skeptics and believers.

The Playhouse

Crown Casino

For those looking for a little adventure, they’ll be sure to find it at this casino which is a favorite destination of playboys, high rollers, and international men of mystery. If you stop in, make sure and play a game of baccarat. You never know who you’ll end up sitting next to!